Maribel Pedrera

El duelo. Agradece lo que has tenido. Supera lo que te ha dolido. Comienza un nuevo camino - скачать книгу

El duelo. Agradece lo que has tenido. Supera lo que te ha dolido. Comienza un nuevo camino - скачать книгу

Описание книги "El duelo. Agradece lo que has tenido. Supera lo que te ha dolido. Comienza un nuevo camino":


New Method ICC Inner Knowledge of Coaching - скачать книгу

New Method ICC Inner Knowledge of Coaching - скачать книгу

Описание книги "New Method ICC Inner Knowledge of Coaching":
All of us have innate qualities at birth, which we sometimes develop and sometimes leave behind, until at some point in our lives we need them. My way of seeing Coaching will help you understand yourself and overcome different stages in your life, to get the best of you and achieve that version of yourself you need. It will be your own effort and work that will be rewarded, but the questions and learning to understand each other better will be a great achievement that you will be proud of. Maribel Pedrera Pérez.

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