Лариса Германовна Чувахина

National economies of foreign countries. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник. - скачать книгу

National economies of foreign countries. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник. - скачать книгу

Описание книги "National economies of foreign countries. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник.":

The textbook contains materials on the development of the economies of Asia-Pacific countries: the main stages of economic development of the United States, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, the characteristics of the leading sectors of

the countries" economies are given, the priorities of foreign economic policy of states are identified. At the end of each chapter there are questions and assignments for students" independent work. The textbook is compiled in accordance with the

Economy of China. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник. - скачать книгу

Economy of China. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник. - скачать книгу

Описание книги "Economy of China. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура). Учебник.":

The textbook contains materials on the development of the Chinese economy: stages of development of the Chinese economy, features of the Chinese economic model, changing priorities of the Chinese economic policy, the place of the energy sector in the

national economy, issues of food security, features of innovation sphere development, basics of legal regulation of the Chinese foreign economic activity, priorities of the Chinese foreign economic policy, problems and prospects of trade and economic

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